Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Voting Rumors and Conspiricies

This election is probably going to be the most historical in years. Everybody heard many rumors or theories about the election. Im jus going to post all the theories that I heard and Election day Controversies.

*Let the issue be the only issue. A picture of a White Obama and Black McCain. Even though the race issue has not been bought up in media for obvious reasons. Even without it been said we all know that America still has a race problem and some are not ready for that kinf of change!

*McCain campaign is pulling out there most faulty election booths in liberal areas.

*'Election Day Switch' Hoax at GMU
Tuesday November 4, 2008
The Washington Post reports that hackers commandeered a George Mason University mailing list and sent a message to some 35,000 students, faculty, and staff members advising them vote on Wednesday instead of Tuesday. The text of the email, which purported to originate from the office of Provost Peter N. Stearns, read as follows:

Please note that election day has been moved to November 5th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

*Long Lines on Election Day has been an Issue.

*Voter Machines have been malfunctioning and breaking down.

*This election may have the highest voter turn out in decades!

* Voter Identification has been a problem. People have been denied to vote if their name has been spelled wrong on their Voter's card.

**More will be posted throught the day!!

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