Sunday, November 30, 2008


Ok. So I made up my mind and I am going to shoot a documentary on deadbeat fathers.
My inspirations...well i am a young adult growing up without a father. Not because he has passed away but because he chose not to be part of my life. Most people think that is all about the financial aspect and the father needs to support the child. But its deeper than that.A child not having their father or matter of fact a Son not having their father can emotionally scar them for life.

I thought that not having my father, I was capable of being strong about not having a father, but lately I been thinking and crying. I have this whole in my heart. It hurts me the most to know that I have a father that is alive and just did not want to raise me. Like he is ashamed of me or something. I know that this burden has emotionally scarred me. It took me a long time to realize how it had affected me. This dude lied to me str8 faced for 18 years and counting. I know it is not proper to hate someone but I have the utmost hatred for him.

Anyway I believe that these fathers do not realize what they are doing when they are not being an active part of their child's life. This documentary is to expose the truth and maybe just maybe when this absen fathers watch it they are touched and want to be active in their child's life.


CrEvOnTe said...

I feel u on dis cause my father hasn't done much for me in my life.

Old from New Jersey. said...

Great content,

it is sad that most black fathers are absent from their child's life.

cam u aint alone & sometimes things like this can make us stronger!

it makes me, and i know it makes u wanna be the best dad u can be....we are the ones who have to break this curse.

dancemgc said...

I had my moment not too long ago when I completely lost it. I felt inadequate, I couldnt understand y my own father didnt love me...I was so lost but you know what cammy. If your father only knew what he was missing and im sure he does...he'd feel like an ass because look at you. you are the best at everything you do. Cam Im telling you bae. He's embarassed of the son he didnt raise. you are a testament to his flaws...He fucked up because he probly thought he had a hold on you. but he doesnt. you rose to excellence even in his absence and he feels like a dick for not helpn. although he did...he was the fuel to your fire...HELLO.
SO while you hurting remember that him not being there to love you like u needed only made you love up on others even more {me} be thankful for those who love you 110% I love you...u just make sure when if ever u have a child that you lead by example.