Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Medical Malpractice

written By C.R.Dukes (edited by Mike Star)

Who committed this treacherous deed?

Was it the one here before me?

The one before I?

Who damaged your inside?

Who caused your heart to be so damaged?

To the point that its so hard for you to manage.

In new situations, YES INDEED!

I think i know the answer, the answer is HE.

You gave him your heart for him to care

In return he abused it being negligent.

Your beauty is evident.

You deserve the best of it.

Not a rookie in those studies.

No one who's ACTING.

Not one of your buddies.

Who will cause Medical MALPRACTICE.

Be my patient

I can hear your heart screamin

and let me redeem it

show you new meaning

Scalpel check

im ready for the incision

take you down under my knife

This is my intuition

open your heart

show you the light.

Just call me doctor

i'll give you new life

Check my resume, my Credentials dont worry

Just trust me and let me perform open heart surgery

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