Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's more than just a game.

Ok. So I will admit that have a pretty freak addiction that me and my brothers have. We are addicted to playing Monopoly. Ooo we spend hours and hours playing Monopoly everday. I don't know if it is tha game we like playing or the fact that it brings us together. This is how we spend time with eachother; quality time. I am the second youngest in the family and the only child on my motherside so it feels great when to spend time with my older brothers.

We take Monopoly serious at our house. Before we play we all get juice bendy straws and my brother makes "stuff" data da nickname for the alfredo noodles he makes. These little things are all essential to a successful Monopoly game. Then we sit for hours and bond over monopoly. We all live fast paced lives. Me dealing with college, my older brothers working on there careers at time we can find it hard to find time 2 spend with eachother. We all know how important it is to spend time with eachother though. We all are eachother support system. Playing monopoly allows us the time 2 spend hours in a day with eachother.

On top of that, we are competitive. O whoever wins Monopoly gets the most bragging rights. Wheneva we have a problem with the other person we settle the dispute with Monopoly. Ionno its jus somethin about that game that we love lol its kind of freakishly weird. We haven't played monopoly in a long time but we playin dis weekend. Im clearin up my schedule just so I can join!

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