Monday, November 17, 2008

Personal Image.

So im in my car right now waiting for my older brother Mr.Freshman at morgan. Tonight we are going to the club. At this club it is going to be underage drinking. Now I don't reaalli like going to this club because I don't like to see fellow college students mess up their personal image.

Im not saying the im the perfect person because I like to have my fun as well, but to an extent. The people that be at the club don't know what self control is and do not have any regard for their personal image. They drink until they can barely walk and dey passin out and throwin up. Now that is no way to represent yourself in public even at a club.

Me personally when im at the club I drink to get a little buzz but not drunk. I never want to be able not to control myself in public. I will only get slightly drunk in the privacy on my house or my brother house with a group of close friends around. Never out and public. You never know who maybe where at what time.
I take my Image seriously and all it takes is one bad incident to ruin it.

1 comment:

dancemgc said...

you so grown and mature...nothing else needs to be said! and to think i was worried about your lil fast alright with me...