Friday, October 31, 2008


Alright, so one of my hidden talents is digital art. I will always have a passion for art. My artwork for the most part always evoke some kind of mood; whether it is joyful or melancholy. Last year and the early beginning of this year I was kinda dating this female. We were not in a relationship just talking. Someone I had interest in. While I we were talking she inspired me artistically to another level. The artworks I done while talking to her really poured from my heart and told our story. From the happy beginning to the heartbreaking ending. I'm going to post all the artwork I dedicated to her in order from which I did them. The name for the collection ::4444592:2482123::


Photobucket In this Picture I was conveying that I was willing to take a chance with her. Like the Lottery the outcome is unpredicitable but I was willing.


Photobucket I used a lot of image methaphors in this picture. The main one is the Timeline at the bottom. I'm conveying that I see a future with her.

Hour Glass

Photobucket This picture yet again focus on time. The oldish look to it and the hour glass. I was conveying that no matter how long I would wait.

Mended Heart

Photobucket This picture is based on Life and mending a broken heart. Im conveying that if she let me I could be the one to mend her heart,

Decaying Love

Photobucket This is the last of the collection. Again this has to do with Life. After a series of events the simple thing we had started to crumble. This pic represents well how I felt about it. The heart in the web symbolizes confusion, like my heart was stuck. I didnt kno wat to do or think. The black widowed smbolyizes how it felt she was doing to me. So careless and cold like a black a widow. In all the pictutres the number symbolized her a disclosed reason that I am not going to share. At the bottom is X's and the reflection of the number. The X's reveal that this time their was no number to be placed she was gone and the reflection shows what should of...or could off been there. Like looking in a mirror and wishing in the reflection you saw what your heart wants the most!

Well thats the end of the collection. i didnt use the correct Art aesthetics

1 comment:

Shamia said...

aww cammy had a crush that didnt work out...poor bby