Monday, October 6, 2008

Safe Sex is great Sex

Safe Sex is great Sex,
Better wear a laxtex,
cus' you dont want that "late text"
that "I think I'm late text"
-- Lil Wayne

Many people, including celebrities have promoted safe sex, and been doing so for years. If you are above the age of 12 these days you know about the benefits of safe sex. Safe Sex awareness continuing to grow throughout this Nation. One of the biggest ways to prevent S.T.Ds and pregnancy. Some people especially teenagers still feel as through that a rubber is still not necessary. Well before I get into anymore details let me lead you to where I'm going with this.

This may be one of the most personal blogs I post but i feel as though this should be heard, well read. Saturday night I was engaged in sexual activities with a friend (casual sex) and as things started to get intense I paused and got a rubber saying, " Magnums are my best friends". So while we are "doing it" She says like your bestfriend is makin me mad blah blah blah basically wanting me to take the condom off and go raw. At that moment I have to pump the brakes. I believe that any girl that doesnt want me to use a rubber takes me for a fool and wants me to fail in life. She said you can pull out and blah blah blah.

I am no fool, I been engaging in sexual activities for years so I know the myths from the reality. So let me educate people who believe unprotected sex especially as a teenager is o.k because the male can always "just pull out"

It does not take much to get a girl pregnant. Just one drop of sperm can lead to a possibility. During the course of sex males pre-ejaculate. This means before the male even comes to close to ejaculating he already release sperm without knowing and feeling. THIS CAN GET A GIRL PREGNANT. To prevent this from happening where a condom.

The male race needs to be smart about certain things and dont let our other head do the thinking. Some males get in the heat of the moment and jus say "fuck the condom". This is the dumbest thing that can happen. It may be a hard thing to do at the time but just wait to you have a condom. Do not let the female talk you into going raw. SEX IS NOT WORTH RISKING YOUR FUTURE...

---Will be completed on Oct 7 2008

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would like to say that this should be a rare occurence but sadly it's not... some females is tricks like that, but just avoid chicken heads and you should be good.