Tuesday, October 21, 2008



That's what I thought I did to you months ago.
Still the memory of you stayed in my hard drive
No anti virus or firewall could prevent the thought of you from contaminating me.
Now I find myself...searching my recycle bin for your number...
I find myself...closing my eyes and doing a system restore to the last time we touched...
the last time our lips connected.
The last time our keyboards clicked.
I wanna get you outta me
I wanna delete our cookies
I wanna close all our tabs...
But you JUST will not ESC

If you are handy with computers you kno CRTL ALT Delete ends task
Recycle Bin is where trash is stored
A system restore is something you do to a computer when you want to bring it back the state it was da last time you saved it.
Cookies is internet history
So basically in the semi poem im saying::
I thought I get rid of you out of my life
but i find myself peicing together old memories of us
I cant stop these thoughts from poppin in my head
I close my eyes to think about the last time we touched
the last time we kissed
the last time we just simply had a connection
I wanna get these thoughts outta me
I dont wanna remember our history
but the thought of you kant get outta me

1 comment:

arie. said...
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