Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Am I Crazy

Thats a question I been wondering for the last couple days. I'm not talking bout playing around crazy,
I mean like is something mentally wrong with me. A couple screws are lose, not wrapped to tight, been dropped on my head too many times that's the kind of crazy I'm talking about.

Many of my friends tell me I'm crazy because I act wild and goofy sometimes. But they do not know what goes on in my brain. Stuff that I wouldnt share with people 'cus they would not understand.

Let me give an some examples. Like I do consider myself a dreamer, I dream a lot. I prolly spend like 70% of my day just day dreamin', whether its for hours or jus for a few minutes or a couple seconds. I live in my head. Sometimes I find myself creating an alter universe, a fantasy world in my head where all my dreams come true. All that i wished upon a star is available to me in my alter world. Its like when im dreamin' everything is soo perfect their is nothing wrong with life at all. I have all that ask for complete happiness, bliss, and "that" girl of my dreams.

I find myself slipping into this dream world a lot, and I love it their. Its a care free world. Does this makes me Crazy? Who wouldn't want to live in their own dream world, to escape the harsh realities of life the depression, the sadness, the loneliness, and the emptiness. In my dream world these negative things about life does not exsist. I guess this place is jus my own personal utopia, a place for me to reside when i do not want to deal with a reality where i can escape my past and the present, a place where me and "her" can bask in joy endlessly.

In my darkest hours i jus wish I could realli live in this false place and I find myself to grow depressed when I realized that this place onli exist in my dreams and I will never reach this utopia.
Does this make me crazy??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That doesn't make you crazy at all, I do the same thing... I love living inside my head, it's hella fun, more fun than listening to other people talk about nothing. Just know that you're not crazy, you can't be or I would be too; we're not crazy, we're... THINKERS!