Thursday, December 4, 2008

This is what I do also pt 2!

Oh yea i forgot 2 mention that I also do all the artwork for the show. I made all promotional posters, the program booklet, the tickets, and the dvd cover.

::Here is a promotional poster for the show. The same picture is also the front cover of the program booklet.

This is the tickets for the show.

This is the dvd cover for the show. YES our show is on DVD!

And here go me from my outfit inspired by "The Wizard of Oz". Of course im the effin Wizard lmao.

This is what I do also!

okay so those who know me I'm always talking about Catwalk Models. This is th modeling group i was part of the last 2 years of high school. Last year my senior year I was one of the producers/Executive board members. Now since I graduated I come back every year and help out. Those who do not know about Catwalk they are the best high school modeling group in Baltimore City. THE BEST OF ALL. There is no high school in the city better then them right now they are at there prime. The show a theatrical show that involves fashion. Here are some videos from the show for a better understanding.

::These videos are from the most recent show. All the scene ideas and clothes are originally designed::